5 Reasons Why I Fell In Love with Greeting Cards
I have a confession to make...
I own a stationery shop and I cannot remember the last time I sent out a card "just because".
There are a myriad of excuses I could make:
- I don't have time
- I'm too busy making cards for other people to send
- I had a new baby, I'm too tired
- Nobody's had a birthday recently
- I can't find my pen
- People will get it, we're all busy
- I have nothing interesting to say
The list goes on. While this is a classic example of "the cobbler's children have no shoes" I realized it was time to get out of my funk and reignite the fire for my love of greeting cards.
"But how do we do this?!?!" , you ask!
Let me tell you! Just like when you're looking at your husband's stinky socks on the floor for the 1000th time (hypothetically, strictly as an example, babe), it helps to remember about that first date, that first kiss, and all the reasons why you fell in love with your partner to begin with. So is true about the things we're passionate about.
It is all too easy to get swept up in the romance of that new hobby. Manically pinning new ideas, BUYING THE SUPPLIES, actually making something that didn't look like it came out of a bog! But as we do the hobby more, it follows that we may get tired of that hobby, and the sparkle wears off.
So has been true about my passion for greeting cards. The fire has dimmed and I need find a way to envelope myself in the warm fuzzies of letter writing that led me to starting my business! (See what I did there...)
So I lit a candle, poured a glass of wine, slipped into my softest jammies and pondered. What is it that drew me to greeting cards?
Well I'm gonna cut to the chase:
Five Reasons I fell in Love with Greeting Cards
1. They are so dang personal. There is nothing more special than writing a letter that is specifically for its intended recipient. It is a way to say, I get you, I see you, I care about you. I am a total people person who feeds off human connection like a zombie needs brains. It is such a simple, yet deeply satisfying way to connect with someone and show you care at a deeper level.
2. They are tangible. While encouraging texts are great, "hey [fire emoji] you look good today" - you'd rarely have the occasion to just stumble upon it and remember how much that message made you feel ready to seize the day! With cards, however, you might find one under a pile of papers on your desk, in a memory box, under the couch, or even in your sock drawer and be instantly tickled by the note inside. You might have even forgotten that the card existed at all, but here is living proof!
3. It captures a moment in time. Nothing gives me greater joy than reading back through the letters that I sent my parents while I was away at sleep away camp. Literally every day I would write them a letter and berate them for not writing enough, not sending water balloons and lip gloss, pelting them with guilt for their "halfhearted penmanship skills". Woo baby did I lay it on thick. While this isn't a side of myself that I necessarily admire, it does crack me up to see how much the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... (oops!) I don't remember writing those letters, but here they are, my bubbly handwriting with 100 interchanging gelly roll pens that only a pre-teen girl can achieve, for me to giggle at always.
4. HAPPY MAIL! Is there any mail that is as exciting as a hand written card?!?!? NO! Amidst catalogs, coupons, bills, and tax documents, the sweet curlings of a handwritten address on a bespoke envelope with a perfectly paired stamp brings delight that is unparalleled. Bonus points for a colorful envelope! I feel like sending out mail is a way to manifest the happiness that you hope to receive.
5. The rush of the search! Perhaps my absolute favorite part of letter writing is finding the MOST perfect card for your special person. That moment when casual browsing becomes an absolute compulsion to purchase and write a card immediately to let that person know you're thinking about them.

This rush, this twinkle that radiates down to your soul is a feeling like no other.
This, above all the other reasons listed above is what drove me to creating a stationery shop with cards to help you celebrate your special people. My greatest. hope is that you'll see a card there and think to yourself, "holy cannoli if that card ain't the exact sentiment I feel for [insert special person here], I don't know what is!"
Even just writing this is giving me all the warm fuzzy feelings. My hands are itching to rifle through my card drawer and find some kismet cards to send out the door! I'm making a promise to myself to not let life get in the way of one of my life long passions of fostering purposeful human connection.
Will you join me?
Need some inspiration?! Check out our card selection to see if you can find one that is perfect for your favorite human!